Have you made the switch to Beeswax Wraps yet?

Have you made the switch to Beeswax Wraps yet?

Long before I even contemplated selling items in the Cooking & Carafes Shop I was using Beeswax wraps, in particular BeeBee Wraps.

Selection of BeeBee Beeswax Wraps

Selection of BeeBee Beeswax Wraps

I count myself as an advocate for reducing food waste and also making small, sustainable choices where possible to live a greener life. Beeswax wraps were starting to come to market and these seemed like an easy swap in my kitchen. Rather than using cling film for everything I could use these reusable wraps to cover food, make it last longer and use them again and again. I discovered BeeBee, helped by the fact that were made by a small business owner relatively local to me in Cambridge, I ordered myself a mixed pack online.

I loved the designs and bright colours and it wasn’t long before I also ordered myself a bread wrap for keeping my homemade focaccia fresh.

What are the benefits of BeeBee Wraps?

The 3 B’s of BeeBee & Leaf sum up why beeswax wraps are such a great, sustainable choice over cling film.

  1. They are a back to nature product - returns to earth leaving no trace. This is because they are biodegradable add them to your compost

  2. Better than plastic - keeps food fresher than plastic

  3. Beautiful not boring – BeeBee don’t think the eco-alternative should be a compromise

Why I love working with BeeBee

Kath Austin, Founder of BeeBee & Leaf

Kath Austin, Founder of BeeBee & Leaf

  • Kath, the founder and I share very similar values, not only does she have a passion for positive social and environmental impact she loves good food. She believes food should be fresh, as local as possible and uncomplicated – now there’s a woman after my own heart!

  • The team at BeeBee share one goal; to reduce plastic pollution. Together they have saved over 17million pieces of polluting plastic hitting our natural world.

  • The wraps are made with organic cotton and British Beeswax and I love the range of designs that decorate them, so not only do they reduce the use of annoying cling film, they make your fridge look pretty too!

What can you use BeeBee & Leaf Wraps for?

Large BeeBee wraps or Bread BeeBee wraps are perfect for keeping bread fresh

Large BeeBee wraps or Bread BeeBee wraps are perfect for keeping bread fresh

BeeBee & Leaf Wraps are great for so many things, they make food last for longer and help reduce food waste which is something I am always encouraging.

I use beeswax wraps for:

🧀 Wrapping cheese
🥗 Covering leftovers and salads
🥬 Keeping greens and herbs fresh
🍝 Resting pasta dough
🍞 Covering dough to prove
🥪 Wrapping sandwiches / wraps / keeping bread fresh

Once I discovered that they are perfect for wrapping and leaving pasta dough to rest I introduced them to my workshops. I noticed people knew about beeswax wraps but hadn’t seen them and felt how tactile they are or what a great alternative to cling film they make.

BeeBee Wraps quickly became one of the first products I started to retail at the end of workshops and they remain a gorgeous addition to my online shop today.

Why you should make this small sustainable change

More than 1.2 billion metres, equating to 745,000 miles of cling film is used by households across Britain every year – enough to go around the circumference of the world 30 times over!

Did you know cling film is a single use plastic? It takes several years to break down and causes damaging effects to our environment in the way it is produced.

Cling film is made by melting nurdles (tiny plastic pellets) and mixing it with additives. Nurdles' small size and the transportation, handling methods used mean millions of these pellets are spilt in factories every year and are washed straight into storm drains and out to sea.

Nurdles resemble fish eggs so are frequently eaten by marine creatures and birds with harmful consequences. The plastic remains in their stomachs and toxins enter the food chain. You can read more about the damaging effects of Cling Film on the BeeBee Blog.

Make the change today

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